Children’s group music education (ages 5-8).

Big kids know what they like. Telling silly stories. Playing games. Being in charge. Designed specifically for pre-K and early elementary students, our active Rhythm Kids® classes for big kids tap into how children this age are wired to learn, with music games, animal rhythm stories, and lots of stomping-flying-climbing fun.

Rhythm Kids® is just the thing to get your child to (willingly) put down the iPad and start making music with their friends. By the end of the collection, they’ll be proud to show off what they’ve learned: to you, their friends and teachers, and—let’s face it—for some kids, every person they meet!

In each weekly music class, we drum, sing, move, and play to rhythms inspired by musical traditions around the world, from West African Gahu, to Japanese Taiko, to Brazilian Samba, just to name a few.

Students learn to compose, choreograph, and conduct as they play—and play with!—a variety of musical instruments: West African djembe drums, percussion instruments, and, the most important instruments of all, their voices and their bodies. As your big kid learns to think and create like a musician, they’ll also build musical connections to the global community. Classes include:

  • immersion in the musical language of many cultures

  • playful music games with rules

  • opportunities to lead, balanced with opportunities to collaborate

  • deep exposure to complex, fun, and rockin' music

  • many chances to solo, improvise, and work in ensembles

  • rich, creative experimentation and expression, improvisation, and innovation

What's included with your tuition for each Rhythm Kids® collection:

  • Weekly 45-minute class for 10 weeks

  • A beautifully illustrated songbook with parent tips for how to bring the music home!

  • A digital access download code that you can use at home, in the car, or take to grandma’s house.

  • Access to Family Music Zone: download music, find coloring pages, informative articles and more.

  • Opportunity to attend one scheduled make-up class at the end of the current Collection to make up for any missed classes .

Tuition: All tuition and fees are paid by pre-authorized debit or Visa, Mastercard, or Discover cards via the Champaign School of Music website

Registration after a season collection has started: Please call the office at (217) 359-0541 to register and pro-rate payment.

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